Bruker TopSpin version 3.2 (cmd.exe). TopSpin provides easy access to vast experiment libraries including standard Bruker pulse sequences .... Nearly all of the Acquisition Parameters in TOPSPIN can be modified manually.

While many of the preloaded pulse programs for 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy are .... This is assuming that you know the NMR basics and familiar with topspin.

1.3 ... or from C:\Bruker\TopSpin3.2\exp\stan\nmr\par. Typically select a proton .... All three of these systems have sample changers and usually run fully automated using a program called IconNMR.

Data collection is determined by your choice of.. You'll need to go to the 'Analyse' tab at the top and then the 'Multiplets' tab. There is a tutorial for how to use the function..